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  • Italian Traditions

    La Bomboniera
    This traditional keepsake is given to guests in appreciation of their attendance to your special occasion. Included you will find the significance of the confetti and the number used for each gift.

    Christmas Eve Dinner
    Join me as I uncover the significance behind the number of fish dishes prepared for this traditional dinner.

    The Cimaruta is an ancient good luck charm rooted in Italian folklore and ancient Pagan religions of Italy. Also known as the Italian witch's charm this intricate and symbolic amulet has been revered for its protective qualities.

    Easter Traditions
    From frittata to dyed Easter eggs to the coraesema here are a few of the traditions my family observes during Easter.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Italian Traditions
    We receive many email messages asking us questions about different Italian traditions. Here are our responses to those questions.

    Folk Dances
    There are many traditional folk dances that take place in Italy. This guide will take you through some of these dances. Folk dances may include photos, a video, slideshow and a story about the dance.

    Folk Songs
    Find the lyrics to many great Italian folk songs. In some cases the lyrics are in both English and Italian.

    Homemade Wine
    This two part series takes a look at the process of making homemade wine. It also includes a photo tour taking you through the various steps involved in making your own wine.

    The Italian Ceppo
    The ceppo is a yule log burned in the fireplace or a pyramid shaped structure made of wood and often called the tree of light. Just what is the significance behind this Italian tradition?

    Italian Wedding Customs & Traditions
    What makes Italian weddings so intriguing is that the customs and traditions vary from region to region as well as town to town. This will give you a great look at the traditions and customs that occur during the engagement, mass and reception and whether they are still carried on today.

    Palm Weaving
    An art form that consists of taking palms and manipulating them to create various designs has been a tradition in my family for generations.

    Palm Weaving Tutorials
    One of the fascinating traditions that my family does for Palm Sunday is to create decorative designs using palms. These tutorials will teach you how to make a braid, cone, cross and rose bud.

    Il Presepe
    One of the most incredible scenes in Italy during Christmas time is the beautiful nativity scenes that are on display in every town.

    Scoppio del Carro
    The Scoppio del Carro (Explosion of the cart) is a Florentine tradition that is held every year on Easter Sunday. People gather around the Piazza del Duomo to witness this explosion, which takes place at noon.

    St. Joseph's Altar
    One of the great traditions on St. Joseph's Day is the beautifully decorated altars made to honor the Patron Saint of carpenters, fathers and Sicily.

    Traditional House Warming Gifts
    Have you ever wondered what to give a new homeowner as a gift? Here is a list of traditional gifts that were customary for people to give new homeowners.


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