Italiansrus offers your business or organization maximum exposure to people looking for information online relating to Italy and Italian culture. We offer several methods of showcasing your business or organization. All the rates listed below are in U.S. Dollars:
Free Directory Listing: Every business, organization or personal Web site related to Italy and Italian culture is welcome to submit their site for a free listing in any one category. Just send us an email at If your Web site is not directly related to Italy and Italian culture, or contains adult content, please don’t ask.
Highlighted Listing: Enhance your listing with a small photo or graphic, up to 100×50 pixels in size, with a linked title and up to 25 words of text.
Cost: $40 per year for the first category, $30 for each additional category.
Featured Operator: Place your listing above the others, with a photo or graphic, up to 150×100 pixels in size and up to 50 words of text.
Cost: $120 per year for the first category, $60 for each additional category.
Banner Advertising: A very limited number of banner positions are available. Each page on our site can contain two banners. One positioned at the top and one at the bottom. The banner must be the standard 468×60 pixels in size and will be linked to your Web site.
Cost: $400 per year for the top position, $150 per year for the bottom position.
Note: If you would like your banner to be placed on our main page at or on multiple pages please feel free to contact us with your idea so we can discuss a pricing arrangement.
Payment: At this time payments can be made via PayPal. For additional information please contact us at