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  • Just Peachie!

    By Judy Perin

    Sometimes the simplest things can make the best desserts. A ripe juicy succulent peach definitely falls into this category. This isn't the only way to enjoy this fruit. There is so many things that one can do with a peach that it is no wonder that it ranks second only to the apple in the United States.

    The peach originated in China some 5,000 years ago. Slowly but surely the peach made its way to other countries and eventually ended up in Italy around the 1st century BC. Once the Romans cultivated this fruit they were able to transport it to other countries in Europe where it eventually made its way to America. To this day China is the largest producer of peaches in the world with Italy coming in second. Italy is also the main exporter of peaches in the European Union. Eventhough peaches are cultivated throughout Italy the regions of Campania and Emilia Romagna account for over 50% of Italy's annual production.

    Were you also aware that in China the peach is a symbol of long life and immortality. If you believe in Chinese lore and legend than this alone should make you want to go out and pick up a truckload of peaches. Even if you don't believe in Chinese lore the peach still makes for a great dessert. In fact there is probably a lot about the peach that you may or may not know.

    Did You Know....

    • You can ripen peaches by placing them in a brown paper bag for 2-3 days.
    • When the peach is ripe it has a wonderful sweet fragrance.
    • California produces over 50% of the peaches in the United States.
    • The peach is a member of the rose family.
    • The Romans called the peach a Persian Apple, because they got them from Persia.
    • Its botanical name is Prunus persica.
    • Peaches are available nearly the entire year.
    • Nectarines are peaches with a smooth skin.
    • They are a great source of vitamin C.
    • Yellow skinned peaches are high in vitamin A.
    • The juice from peaches makes a wonderful moisturizer and it can be found in many brands of cosmetics.
    • A peach pit contains hydrocyanic acid, which is a poisonous substance. We don't eat the pits so this isn't a problem.

    Peaches fall into two categories. One is called freestone. This is when the stone just separates from the peach when you cut it in half. This type is generally found in the grocery store and market. The other is called clingstone. This is when the stone adheres to the peach and doesn't separate easily. These types of peaches are generally use for desserts, canning, etc. Now that you know more about peaches than you probably ever wanted to know you can appreciate and savor the taste of this delicious fruit by trying these various recipes that are sure to make your mouth water.

    Charlotte di Pesche
    Cinnamon-Crunch Peach Sundaes
    Gelato alla Pesca
    Peach Cookies
    Peach Crumb Muffins
    Peach Liqueur
    Peaches & Wine
    Pesche Ripiene
    Torta di Fichi e Pesche

    I hope you enjoyed this fact filled article on peaches. If you have a favorite recipe that includes peaches or you have a wonderful story you would like to share with us please take a few minutes to send me your thoughts and recipes.


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