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  • Italian Nobel Peace Prize Winners

    Italian Nobel Prize Winners

    The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by the the Norwegian Nobel Committee. This prize is awarded annually in Oslo, Norway during a formal ceremony on December 10. Since 1901 there has been one winner of Italian descent of this prestigious award. The recipient is listed below with the year they won the award. In some instances the award was shared and in those cases the other recipients are listed.

    Ernesto Teodoro Moneta 1907 "for his work in the press and in peace meetings, both public and private, for an understanding between France and Italy"
    Moneta shared this award with Louis Renault.

    Italian Nobel Prize Winners
    Physics Chemistry Medicine
    Literature Peace Economics

    In the event that I excluded a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize who is of Italian descent please send me an email and I will get them added to this impressive list of winners.


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