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  • Mamma Mia Dammi Cento Lire

    Mamma Mia Dammi Cento Lire Folk Dance In the early 1900's people all over Italy started to migrate worldwide in search of a better life.

    The oldest son in a family of five wanted to go to America because there was nothing for him to do in the town they lived in. He didn't have the money he needed for his long journey, so he decided to ask his Mother for cento lire (100 lire). While he was asking his Mother, his younger brothers and sisters all stood at the window and pleaded for their Mother to let him go. If their older brother would leave for America there would be more food at the table for them to eat. With a broken heart she gave him the cento lire he asked for. She begged him to stay with her. She told him that you might find fortune in America, but you will never find happiness and love.

    The folk dance group "I Paesani", from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, performed this story at the local San Rocco festival in Pittsburgh. Members of the group all have ties to Spigno Saturnia, which is a town located in the province of Latina in the Lazio region of Italy.

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