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  • Interview With Italian Learn Language School
    Page 2 of 3
    Continued from page 1

    by Anthony Parente

    How many people are on staff at Italian Learn and what are their qualifications to teach?
    Our staff is made up by highly trained and experienced teachers.

    As far as the dancing teachers are concerned, there will be at least five present at each lesson and younger members of the group will also participate and give live demonstrations. The most outstanding members of the Folklore Group who have accepted to work with us are:

    Alberto Nocentini, linguistics teacher at Florence University

  • Art director of Lucignano's Folklore Group, supervises the study on popular traditions, especially as far as singing and dancing is concerned, which is the first aim of the group.

    Pier Luigi Stendardi

  • Group secretary and public relations supervisor. Director of the International Folklore Festival, which takes place every year in Arezzo during the third week of July.

    Elvio Bufalini President of the Folklore group

  • Although he is one of the most long-lived members of the group, is still actively concerned with the group, both as a musician and as a dancer.

    Mario Datteroni Vice President

  • The soloist par excellence. He looks after the training of the new dancers and the continuous updating of the dancing part of the group.

    We have chosen our language teachers not only due to their long experience and commitment to their work, but also because they have always supported every Lucignano's socio-cultural activity. They are:

    Carosi Donella

  • Teacher's degree at the Istituto Giuseppe Toniolo, Radicondoli (Siena);
  • 16/06/1987: meeting on "Educational areas and counselling", with merit;
  • May, 28, 1991: specialization at the provincial education provveditorato of Arezzo;
  • 1998: second degree certificate in first aid training.

    Vanna Bufalini

  • A long career full of degrees and certificates and an active and continuous participation in Lucignano's folklore group.

    We can also count on the help of an interpreter, Francesca Sorrentino, who is training at the Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori (interpreting and translation school) of the University of Bolonia.

    Only a maximum of 30 people can enroll in your program (15 males & 15 females between 21-40 years of age). Why is your program restricted to people between these ages?
    First of all, we would like to point out that the age limits are not that strict and exceptions can be made. However, we have decided to limit the participants' age for two main reasons, namely:

  • They will have to share their rooms with at least three more people, so they must be very open minded and free from prejudice (although sixty-year-old people can often be more open minded than thirty-year-old ones!)
  • All the participants must be of age, in order to avoid any legal problem.

    You mentioned that all the participants must be of age, in order to avoid any legal problem. What legal problems are you referring to?
    We mean that all the participants must be of age, therefore legally responsible for what they do, we don't expect to have particular legal problems.

    Your program only allows for six people coming from the same country to participate in your project. This seems like an unusual restriction. What is the purpose behind restricting the number of participants from the same country?
    We have established this restriction because we want to create a meeting point for people coming from different countries who have different cultures and traditions, in order for them to deal with their diversity, but also use the Italian language, Tuscan tradition and Lucignano as a cohesion element.

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