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  • Growing Up Gotti

    by Anthony Parente

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    The A&E Network is airing a new reality series titled "Growing Up Gotti" that will give viewers an unscripted look into the life of Victoria Gotti, daughter of the late John Gotti, and her three sons Carmine, John and Frank. The series will focus in on how a divorced mother of three children juggles her professional responsibilities while raising three teenage boys. It also gives us a look at how these four have to overcome any stereotypes and preconceptions that are associated with the Gotti name.

    Many groups and individuals in the Italian community have been actively protesting this new series stating that this is just another show aimed at portraying Italians in a negative way. If A&E wanted to showcase an Italian working mother they could have picked any number of mothers. Why would they pick Victoria Gotti? Maybe the question should be Why Not? For the most part it seems that the majority of people are enamored with the Mafia and the life that surrounds it. People want to have access to this personal life to see what they are missing. Here is a chance for Victoria to show everyone that watches that she and her family are just like everyone else. She is not a mob hit woman, but a best-selling author, a nationally syndicated columnist and most importantly a mother. Carmine, John and Frank are not Mafia Princes, but they are teenage boys who are honor role students that have aspirations of being a music executive, lawyer and restaurateur. Victoria and her three sons have been labeled for life. Perhaps this reality show will give people an opportunity to see them for who they really are.

    If you are tuning in to see another show like "The Sopranos" than I think you will be disappointed. This is not a gangster reality show. It is a show that follows a working Mother and her everyday struggle of raising three teenage boys on her own.

    Tune in on Monday August 2 to watch the premier of "Growing Up Gotti" to see for yourself what all the hype is about.


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