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Quercia delle Streghe (Oak of the Witches)
Nestled in the Tuscan forest within the garden of Villa Carrara in San Martino in Colle (Capannori, Lucca) is a 600 year old enchanted oak tree that has sprouted many legends and tales.
Raven Grimassi
What is stregheria? Learn about its history and find out more about the old religion.
Spells, Saints, and Streghe: Witchcraft, Folk Magic, and Healing in Italy
This is a fascinating multi-part article by Sabina Magliocco that covers the following topics: Stregheria, or Italian-American Witchcraft, Problems With the Concept of an Organized "Italian" Witchcraft, The Survivalist Bias, The Influence of the Catholic Church, The Context of Traditional Italian Folk Magical Practice, The Folkloric Witch, Il Malocchio or the Evil Eye, and its Relations, Amulets and Protective Devices, Witchcraft as Folk Healing, Magic and Counter-Magic and The Fate of Traditional Folk Beliefs
Trendy Beaches, Deceiving Witches
Legends say that no woman can become a witch just by a wink of the eye in Romagna. Come the witches' night between the 23 and 24 of June the town of San Giovanni in Marignano, in province of Rimini is filled with witches who are said to be particularly active and deceiving this night.
Triora's Dark Past
Triora is a picturesque town located on the Italian-French border in the province of Imperia within the region of Liguria. It is an elite member of I Borghi Piú Belli d'Italia and winner of the Bandiere Arancione from the Touring Club Italia. Even though it is considered one of the most beautiful villages in Italy there was a time when Triora was called the Salem of Italy.
Valcamonica Witch Trials
Valcamonica witch trials were two large trials that took place during the 16th century where over 100 people were burned at the stake.
What Is Stregheria?
Stregheria is a branch of modern paganism that celebrates early Italian witchcraft. Its adherents say that their tradition has pre-Christian roots, and refer to it as La Vecchia Religione, the Old Religion.
Witchcraft: Evil or not?
Witchcraft is one part of the practice of an ancient religion. Those who practice the Craft generally believe in a loving god (and goddess), or in multiple gods, who reign over the many facets of our daily lives. This is derived from the earliest religions of great societies, like Rome, Greece, Anatolia, etc. Those worshipers were not creating evil to harm their enemies, nor were they attempting to cause havoc in the world.
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