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  • Italian Prime Ministers - Italian Republic

    The Prime Minister is officially called the President of the Council of Ministers (Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri) in Italy and he is appointed by the President of the Italian Republic. Below is a list of people who have served as Prime Minister since Italy became a republic on June 2, 1946.

    Name Term
    Alcide de Gasperi July 13, 1946 - August 2, 1953
    Giuseppe Pella August 17, 1953 - January 12, 1954
    Amintore Fanfani January 18, 1954 - February 8, 1954
    Mario Scelba February 10, 1954 - July 2, 1955
    Antonio Segni July 6, 1955 - May 15, 1957
    Adone Zoli May 19, 1957 - July 1, 1958
    Amintore Fanfani (2nd time) July 1, 1958 - February 15, 1959
    Antonio Segni (2nd time) February 15, 1959 - March 23, 1960
    Fernando Tambroni March 25, 1960 - July 26, 1960
    Amintore Fanfani (3rd time) July 26, 1960 - June 21, 1963
    Giovanni Leone June 21, 1963 - December 4, 1963
    Aldo Moro December 4, 1963 - June 24, 1968
    Giovanni Leone (2nd time) June 24, 1968 - December 12, 1968
    Mariano Rumor December 12, 1968 - August, 1970
    Emilio Colombo August 6, 1970 - February 17, 1972
    Giulio Andreotti February 17, 1972 - July 7, 1973
    Mariano Rumor (2nd time) July 7, 1973 - November 23, 1974
    Aldo Moro (2nd time) November 23, 1974 - July 29, 1976
    Giulio Andreotti (2nd time) July 29, 1976 - August 4, 1979
    Francesco Cossiga August 4, 1979 - October 18, 1980
    Arnaldo Forlani October 18, 1980 - June 28, 1981
    Giovanni Spadolini June 28, 1981 - December 1, 1982
    Amintore Fanfani (4th time) December 1, 1982 - August 4, 1983
    Bettino Craxi August 4, 1983 - April 17, 1987
    Amintore Fanfani (5th time) April 17, 1987 - July 28, 1987
    Giovanni Goria July 28, 1987 - April 13, 1988
    Ciriaco De Mita April 13, 1988 - July 22, 1989
    Giulio Andreotti (3rd time) July 22, 1989 - April 24, 1992
    Giuliano Amato June 28, 1992 - April 28, 1993
    Carlo Azeglio Ciampi April 28, 1993 - May 10, 1994
    Silvio Berlusconi May 10, 1994 - January 17, 1995
    Lamberto Dini January 17, 1995 - May 17, 1996
    Romano Prodi May 17, 1996 - October 21, 1998
    Massimo D'Alema October 21, 1998 - April 25, 2000
    Giuliano Amato (2nd time) April 25, 2000 - June 11, 2001
    Silvio Berlusconi (2nd time) June 11, 2001 - May 17, 2006
    Romano Prodi (2nd time) May 17, 2006 - May 8, 2008
    Silvio Berlusconi (3rd time) May 8, 2008 - November 16, 2011
    Mario Monti November 16, 2011 - April 28, 2013
    Enrico Letta April 28, 2013 - February 22, 2014
    Matteo Renzi February 22, 2014 - Present
    Italian Prime Ministers - Kingdom of Italy
    Italian Presidents
    Italian Kings

    Last Updated September 15, 2015


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