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Articles for Italian mammas. by Tiffany Longo
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Italian Law in Italian
Italian Law in English
This is a great resource for Italian law written in English. You will find information on what your rights are in regards to inheritance, real estate and much more.
Le Adozioni
Learn more about the adoption laws and process.
Associazione Nazionale Funzionari di Polizia
Get more information about The National Association of Police Officials.
Camera dei Deputati
Your guide to the House of Representatives.
Codice di Diritto Canonico
These are the laws that govern the Catholic Church.
Corte costituzionale
Keep up to date with the latest news, rulings and activities of Italy's Constitutional Court.
Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana
Read through the many articles, in Italian, of Italy's constitution, which was enacted on December 22, 1947.
Diritto & Diritti
Excellent source for information on Italian laws. It includes a newsletter, search engine and much more.
Diritto d'Autore
Make sure you understand Italy's copyright law before you use someones material or have your material used unlawfully.
Ecpat Italia
This law went into effect on August 3, 1998. It is designed to End Child Prostitution, Pornography And Trafficking for commercial purposes.
Guide to Italian Legal Research and Resources on the Web
This is a very detailed guide that contains a number of resources available online.
Indici di Dottrina
This contains an index of articles and contributions categorized by subject.
Indici di Leggi
A listing of Web sites you can use to search for information on Italian laws.
Italian Competition Authority
Find annual reports, press releases, national legislation, internal regulations, and more.
Law Firms
A list of major law firms located in Italy.
Law Libraries
This database allows you to search for books located in various law libraries located in Italy.
NATLEX - Italy
The database of national labour, social security and related human rights legislation.
Right of Privacy
This is covers the protection of individuals and other subjects with regard to the processing of personal data.
Roman Law
Invented over 2000 years ago Roman Law still has its influence in the modern day legal system.
Senato della Repubblica
Get the latest news from the Senate, browse through reports, laws, bills, and much more.
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