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  • E-texts

    Dante Alighieri
    This great authors works include: De Vulgari Eloquentia, La Divina Commedia and Vita Nuova

    La Bibbia
    Now you can read both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible in Italian.

    A collection of poems from Giacomo Leopardi, who is one of the great literary writers of the 19th century.

    Il Cantico Delle Creature
    Saint Francis of Assisi delights us with the poem about all of God's creatures.

    A novel by Grazia Deledda, who won a Noble Prize for Literature in 1926.

    Child of Wonder
    Set in picturesque Calabria and Sicily, Child of Wonder (written by Raphael Ferraro) is a poignant narrative about a young boy, Lorenzo Malcini, whose unfortunate circumstances of birth and odd appearance mark him as an object of ridicule and scorn.

    Il Cinque Maggio
    Alessandro Manzoni wrote this poem, which is sometimes called The Napoleonic Ode.

    Cristoforo Colombo
    Learn more about the life of Christopher Columbus by reading this 12 chapter e-text version written by Giancarlo v. Nacher Malvaioli. This is an Italian translation of his book, which was initially written in Spanish.

    This great masterpiece was written by Giovanni Boccaccio in the 14th century.

    Fairy Tales
    Delight your children with these favorite tales. They include such classics as Cinderella, Pinocchio, and more.

    Folk Songs
    Find the lyrics to many great Italian folk songs. In some cases the lyrics are in both English and Italian.

    Folktales, Legends, Myths, Lores and Fairytales
    Every culture is blessed with many tales and legends. Here is a collection of stories for you to read and enjoy.

    Ugo Foscolo
    His works include: Dei Sepolcri, Le Grazie, Sonetti and Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis

    Fratelli d'Italia
    In 1946 Italy adopted this poem by Goffredo Mameli as the national anthem.

    Gerusalemme Liberata
    This heroic epic poem was written by Torquato Tasso, one of Italy's greatest poets.

    Carlo Goldoni
    His works include: Le avventure della villeggiatura and La Locandiera

    Graffiti d'Italia
    These poems, which are entirely in Italian, have been collected for the first time by William Wetmore Story. This collection of poems was published in 1868.

    Italian Journeys
    William D. Howells takes you on a journey from Venice to Rome. This book was published in 1867.

    Italy: Florence and Venice, from the French of H. Taine
    Published in 1869 this book takes you through Assisi, Florence, Lombardy, Perugia and Venice.

    Nicolò, Machiavelli
    Read Principe, Mandragola and Belfagor Arcidiavolo

    Joseph P. Martino
    Joseph has authored over 165 quotes and poems. Here are some of his poems that have an Italian theme or related to Italy in some way.

    Il Novellino: The Hundred Old Tales
    This is a collection of popular medieval Italian tales from the 13th and 14th centuries.

    Orlando Furioso
    This epic poem by Ludovico Ariosto combines both romance and war.

    Luigi Pirandello
    Read the following works online: Cosė č (se vi pare), L'Esclusa, Il Fu Mattia Pascal and Il Turno

    Tutte le novelle
    Sit down and enjoy all of the novels by Giovanni Verga.

    The Vampyre; A Tale
    Read John Polidori's vampire tale, which was the first published in English.


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