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  • “Se Amor Mai Da Vu se Vede„ (“If You Ever Look on Love”)
    Venice (Veneto)

    Se Amor mai da vu se vede,
    Cari putti, a gogolar,
    Per pietà no deghe fede,
    No lo stessi a carezzar.
    Sulla bocca el mostra il riso,
    La dolcezza sul suo viso;
    Ma col rider sulla bocca
    El ve pizzica, ve tocca,
    E fra mezzo alle carezze
    Mille dardi, mille frezze
    Quel furbazzo sa misciar.

    Saven come me l'ha fatto
    A chiapparmi sto briccon?
    El s'ha messo come un gatto
    Quacchio quacchio in cuffolon.
    L'aspetta ch'un di Ninetta
    Me contasse una fiabetta,
    Mi credendo esser in porto,
    De colù non m'avea accorto,
    E la vien per la drio via,
    Chiappa, strenze e mena via,
    Nè val pianto, nè rason.

    Oh, my children, if you ever
    Look on Love while he's at play,
    Never stop to hear him, never!
    Or caress him on your way.
    Not a mouth so sweetly smiling,
    Not a face that's so beguiling:
    Tho' his lips are wreath'd in laughter,
    He will stab you to the heart a minute after;
    Like a thousand pointed arrows
    His caresses pierce your marrows,
    Till the rogue has caught his prey.

    Have I told you how he caught me
    When he gave my heart this wound?
    How he slily creeping sought me
    Like a cat upon the ground?
    I was list'ning to a story
    That Ninetta was relating,
    And I never thought to worry,
    For I did not see him waiting:
    Then he softly came behind me,
    And so tightly he did bind me,
    That relief I've never found!

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    Marzo, Eduardo. Songs of Italy; sixty-five Tuscan, Florentine, Lombardian and other Italian folk- and popular songs. New York: G. Schirmer, 1904. 38


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