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  • Sdegno (Indignation)

    Sdegno Indignation
    0 Diu, figghioli, chi rimediu pigghiu !
    'Na picciuttedda la vurria vasari ;
    E' 'nutili ; la testa mi scavigghiu
    'Na bona forma nun la pozzu asciari !
    Cc' è sò patruzzu 'nsemmula a sò figghiu
    Cu l' armi su', e mi vonnu pustiari.
    'Nfini di facci e facci cci la pigghiu !
    Armi cu armi, e po' cu' cadi, cadi !
    (Dialetto di Partenio, Prov. Palermo.)
    0 God !1 And you, friends, tell, which way to turn.
    A love I have, yet can't obtain a kiss.
    Distraction makes my brain with fire burn ;
    No way I find to ’ttain unto my bliss !
    Her father and his son a pact have sworn
    Arm’d watch to keep–to my increased distress.
    Thus, but to bear her off, I nought discern.
    Let arms clash arms, and one or other dies !
    Nun ti pigghiari pena si nun vegnu
    Tantu a lu spissu comu cci vinìa ;
    Li toi parenti mi pigghiàru a sdegnu
    E nun vonnu chi parru cchiù cu tia ;
    Di 'mpegnu t' happi e di 'mpegnu ti tegnu
    Di 'mpegnu e 'mpegnu nun ti lassiria.
    S' io vaju 'n paradisu e tu a lu 'nfernu
    Vegnu a lu 'nfernu pri vidiri a tia.
    (Dialetto di Palermo.)
    Be not distressed with me, if now I come
    Less often than before to visit the ;
    Thy parents' anger keeps me from thy home,
    Nor can I more obtain t’ have speech of thee.
    Engaged we are, since engaged we've once become :
    And being engaged I will not let thee free.
    If I were sent to heav'n and thou to outer doom,
    I'd come below, that I might visit thee !
    1 This exclamation is probably the outcome of the simple faith of the Sicilians. An immense proportion of their songs either commence with or contain it.

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    Additional Resources
    Famous Italians Folk Dances Folktales
    Folklore/Legends Proverbs/Proverbi Traditions

    Busk, R. H. The Folk-Songs of Italy. London: Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey & Co., 1887. 72-73


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