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  • Malatu p'Amuri (Lovesick)
    Palermo (Sicily)

    Talïannuti a lu spissu,
    Sugnu tutto ammaraggiatu,
    Lu mè sangu 'un è lu stissu
    Como un gelu è divintatu;
    Cu st'ucchiuzzi ti talìu,
    Moru, spasimu e diliru,
    Iu mi sentu 'ntra lu cori
    'Na mancaza di rispiru.

    Vinni 'u medicu a osservari
    Li me' affanni e li me' peni,
    Iu mi misi a raccuntari
    La caciuni d'unni veni.
    E lu medicu mi dissi:
    Figghiu, lassa sta partita,
    Si ssa donna tu nun lassi
    Poco dura la tò vita.

    Iu sintennu ddu parrari
    Cci rispusi a vuci forti:
    A sta donna 'un so lassari,
    Nun mi scantu di la morti;
    Idda stissa lu pò diri
    S'è sinceru lu mè amuri,
    M'accuntentu di muriri,
    E 'un chiamarmi tradituri!

    When you often meet my gazes,
    On my senses frenzy seizes,
    Thro' my very blood it races,
    In my veins the current freezes;
    And I stand and look upon you;
    I am raving, fainting, dying!
    Tho' I dreamt my heart had won you,
    I have only breath for sighing.

    Now the doctor came to see me,
    In my sorrow and my anguish,
    And I soon began to tell him
    What it was that made me languish.
    Said the doctor, like a prophet:
    O my son, you are but human,
    And your life will be the forfeit
    If you do not leave this woman!

    When I heard the doctor's sermon,
    I replied, and told him loudly:
    I can never leave this woman,
    As for Death, I'll meet him proudly!
    Let her tell you, if she care to,
    If a love were ever greater;
    I would sooner die, than dare to
    Live and bear the name of traitor!

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    Marzo, Eduardo. Songs of Italy; sixty-five Tuscan, Florentine, Lombardian and other Italian folk- and popular songs. New York: G. Schirmer, 1904. 185


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