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  • Gelosia (Jealousy)

    (Parla la Donna.)
    (A Woman's Song.)
    Amuri, amuri, ch' avisti ! ch' avisti !
    Di ccà passasti e nun mi salutasti
    Cu 'na manu la cruci ti facisti
    Cu l' autra manu l' occhi t' attupasti ;
    Unn' è la rosa ca mi prummitisti ?
    Facci di tradituri, a cui la desti ?
    Ora mi cci haju a mettiri a li visti
    Siddu è megghiu di mia, chidda ch' amasti.
    My love, my love, what fancy 's thee o'ertaken ?
    Thou passest by, nor giv'st one salutation !
    One hand, I mark, records, the holy token ;
    The other shields thine eyes as from pollution.
    Where is the rose, of love the promised token ?
    0 traitor ! t' whom transferredst that donation ?
    To watch is all that’s left to me, forsaken@ndash;
    And judge if better she who's worked out this captation.
    Biddu, mi lu vôi fari un piaciri ?
    Sacciu di certu ca mi lu pôi fari ;
    Non vogghiu ca ccu nuddu sciali e ridi
    E mancu lu to' cori cunfidari.
    Cridimi anima mia, cridimi, cridi !
    Ca su' di focu li lacrimi amari :
    Disidiru la morti ppi muriri
    Pri nun vidirti ccu nuddu parrari.
    (Dialetto di Catania.)
    Belov'd, one little pleasure do to me,
    To confer 't, I know, is quite within thy power.
    Ope not thy heart, nor laugh with one but me,
    Nor other with thy confidence endower.
    Life of my soul, O list, O list to me,
    For scalding are the tears for thee I shower.
    I would that Death would bring my death to me
    Rather than see thee in another's bower.

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    Additional Resources
    Famous Italians Folk Dances Folktales
    Folklore/Legends Proverbs/Proverbi Traditions

    Busk, R. H. The Folk-Songs of Italy. London: Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey & Co., 1887. 74-75


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