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    Song of Nocera de' Pagani

    St'anno porz'io vogl'ì a la Maronna i Piedigrotta,
    E tanto aggio a pregà gnopà ca mme nce ave à mannà;
    Nce vanno Concettella, Cannetella, Porziunchella,
    N'zomma nce va chi mò, chi pò, e non se dice nò;
    E schitto ha da toccare a Barbarella poverella,
    De fare sputazzella e sto goho de s'annozzà?

    “Ma tu nun ce può ì—se mette a dì— sì peccerella;
    La strad'è longa, sà, te può fidà de te la fà?„
    Io mme la fid'ì fà, schitt'a ballà la tarantella,
    Co castagnelle e bà, trecc'a ballà, la lera là!
    Donca dimme de sì, non fa sperire a Barbarella,
    Golio de zetella è peo de graveda porzì.

    I'll go along this year to see Our Lady of Piedigrotta,
    For I shall tease Papa until he'll have to let me go,
    And there'll be Concettella, Cannetella, Porziunchella,
    That is to say, who can, will go and, one can not say no!
    And shall it then be only I, poor lonely Barbarella,
    Who'll have to stay at home, altho' I'd dearly love to go?

    But he will say: “She cannot go, she's yet too young, I tell her;
    The way is long she, is not strong,—she'll do as she is told!”
    But I am strong enough to go and dance the tarantella,
    Clicking the castanets, away we fly, and let him scold!
    So now say yes, and do not make me cry, poor Barbarella!
    Ah! what a young girl wants, she wants far more than one that's old!

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    Marzo, Eduardo. Songs of Italy; sixty-five Tuscan, Florentine, Lombardian and other Italian folk- and popular songs. New York: G. Schirmer, 1904. 147


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