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  • Canzuna di li Carriteri (Song of the Wagoners)
    Palermo (Sicily)

    Iu partu e su' custrittu di partiri,
    Ciatu, ti lassu stu cori custanti,
    Toinella, toi, nai, nai, nà, ecc.

    A tia lu lassu e non mi l'hâ' tradiri,
    Nun fari ca lu fidi a n'autru amanti.

    Di nottitempu ti vegnu a vidiri,
    Ti staju comu un'ùmmira davanti;

    Si senti ventu, su' li me' suspiri,
    L'acqua ca vivirai su' li me' chianti!

    Now 't is the hour to part, nor can I stay it,
    Dear love, I leave thee a heart never-changing.
    Toinella, toi, nai, nai, nà, etc.

    I leave it all to thee, do not betray it,
    Nor let thine own heart to others be ranging.

    When all is night around, I shall be nigh thee,
    As 't were a shadow arising before thee;

    If thou dost hear the breezes, 't is my sighing,
    My tears, the water to drink thou dost pour thee.

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    Marzo, Eduardo. Songs of Italy; sixty-five Tuscan, Florentine, Lombardian and other Italian folk- and popular songs. New York: G. Schirmer, 1904. 163


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