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  • La Bianchina (Bianchina)
    Florence (Tuscany)

    Avete pure un pallido visino,
    Che fa tutte le genti innamorare:
    Parete sulla siepe un gelsomino
    E la Bianchina vi voglio chiamare.
    E se vorrete far con me all'amore,
    Vi chiamerò la donna del mio cuore.

    Donatemi una ciocca di capelli,
    Che per memoria gli terrò sul core;
    Voltate verso me quegli occhi belli,
    Mi sentirete sospirar d'amore,
    D'amore sospirar mi senterete
    Se un bacio, angiolo mio, voi mi darete.

    Thy face is pale indeed as any flower,
    And all who chance to see thee love thee madly!
    A jasmin thou, that hath in a hedge her bower,
    And my Bianchina I would call thee gladly;
    Ah, could I win thee o'er with tender art, love,
    I'd call thee e'er the lady of my heart, love!

    One only let me have of all thy tresses,
    That for remembrance on my heart I'll bind me;
    From thy sweet eyes if only a glance caresses,
    For love before thee sighing thou shalt find me,
    For love thou soon shalt hear me sigh before thee,
    If thou wilt kiss me: my angel, I adore thee!

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    Marzo, Eduardo. Songs of Italy; sixty-five Tuscan, Florentine, Lombardian and other Italian folk- and popular songs. New York: G. Schirmer, 1904. 66


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