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Bellezze della Donna (Feminine Beauty)
Bellezze della Donna |
Feminine Beauty |
Supra un munti sparman stu bellu ciuri !
Chistu è lu ciuri di la tò billizza ;
Risguardu e lu talïu di tutt 'uri,
Risguardu quant' è bella la tò trizza.
Pri pînciti cu' fu ssu gran pitturi ?
Chissu ca dipinciu tanta billizza ?
Pinciri 'un ti putia nudu pitturi,
Diu sulu ca ti retti ssa grennizza.
Upon the hillside grew this fairest flower ;
This is the floweret of thy beauty, O my love ;
I look on it, I gaze on't every hour.
I gaze upon the fairness of thy tresses, O my love.
Who is the painter who to paint thee has the power?
Who knows to paint such fairness of my love ?
Unto no earthly painter is given such power ;
Painted, canst be alone by God above.
Comu 'na rosa dintra lu buttuni
Durmia la bedda e si 'nsunnava a me ;
Adaciu, adaciu, cci dugnu un vasuri
Si arrisbigghia apri l'occhi e mi talia
Cci sciàura di cannedda lu sciatuni !
La trizza coddu coddu pinnulia !
Guardàti si a stu munnu cc' è pirsuni
Ca ponnu assimigghiari a la me Dia !
(Dialetto di Acireale.)
Like rose within the bud enclosed,
My fair one slept and dreamt of me ;
Softly I came, and a deep 1 kiss imposed–
Waking, she rests her opening eyes on me.
Her breath as cinnamon is odorous ;
Her hair descends upon her shoulders, free.
See, in this world is one you'd have proposed
To liken to this my divinity ?
Una varcuzza banneri banneri
Sta Dia d' amuri mi vinni a purtari ;
Ridianu tutti li cilesti speri
Trimavanu li specchi de lu mari.
Binidittu lu Diu ca ti manteni,
Ch' accussi bedda ti vosi furmari !
Spampinanu li ciuri unn' è ca veni
L' ariu trubbatu lu fai sirinari.
(Dialetto di Alcano, Prov. di Trapani.)
It was a pleasure-craft with colors flying
Which brought this love-divinity to me ;
The heavenly spheres were then with gladness smiling–
Trembling 2 with joy the surface of the sea !
Blessed be God ! for me thy life maintaining,
For forming thee so beautiful to see.
Th' flow'rs with pleasure blow while thou'rt passing,
The troubled air is still at glance from thee !
1 Un vasuri=un baccione.
2 "Conobbi il tremolar della marina." – Dante.
Return to Folk Songs Page
Busk, R. H. The Folk-Songs of Italy. London: Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey & Co., 1887. 66-69
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