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  • La Barchetta (The Little Boat)
    Florence (Tuscany)

    La barchetta che scorre sull'onde
    S'avvicina portando il mio bene:
    O contento! finiscon le pene,
    Fra brev'ora il mio amor rivedrò!
    Vien t'affretta ad arrivar,
    La la ra la la!
    Che t'aspetto in riva al mar,
    La la ra la la!

    Egli riede ricolmo d'onori,
    Conquistati sul campo di gloria,
    Là qual prode il guidò la vittoria,
    Qui al mio fianco l'adduce l'amor.
    Vien t'affretta, ecc.

    Voga, voga oh barchetta veloce,
    Sopra l'alghe del placido mare:
    Corri, vola, non far più penare
    Quest'afflitta che tanto sperò!
    Vien t'affretta, ecc.

    Gli dirò del mio pianto versato,
    Dell'affanno che opprime il mio core,
    Poi fra i baci d'un tenero amore
    Ogni traccia di duol sparirà.
    Vien t'affretta, ecc.

    Gli dirò delle notti vegliate
    Fra i sospiri d'un lungo tormento,
    Poi stringendolo al sen dal contento
    Il mio cor, sul suo cor poserà!
    Vien t'affretta, ecc.

    Now the vessel that flies o'er the billow
    Is approaching, and brings home my lover;
    O what joy! soon all pain will be over,
    Soon again my true love I shall see!
    Swiftly bring him back once more,
    La la ra la la!
    I await him on the shore,
    La la ra la la!

    He returns now with proud honors laden,
    From the field where so bravely he bore him,
    Vict'ry pointed the way there before him,
    But 'tis love guides him hither to me.
    Swiftly bring him back once more, etc.

    Row then, row, happy vessel, so swiftly
    O'er the weeds of the bright tranquil ocean,
    Fly then, fly then and calm this emotion
    Of a mourner, and blest let me be.
    Swiftly bring him back once more, etc.

    I will tell him of tears I shed for him,
    How my heart was oppress'd with its sorrow,
    Love's caresses shall soothe me to-morrow,
    And all traces of grief disappear.
    Swiftly bring him back once more, etc.

    I will tell him of nights robb'd of slumber,
    Pass'd in sighs, and with terror tormented;
    With his presence so dear well-contented,
    Then my heart will repose free from fear.
    Swiftly bring him back once more, etc.

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    Marzo, Eduardo. Songs of Italy; sixty-five Tuscan, Florentine, Lombardian and other Italian folk- and popular songs. New York: G. Schirmer, 1904. 53


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