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  • L'Avvelenato (The Poisoned Lover)
    Como (Lombardy)

    Dove si stà jersira,
    Figluol mio caro, fiorito e gentil?
    Dove si stà jersira?
    Son stà dalla mia dama...
    Signora mama, mio core sta mal!
    Son stà dalla mia dama...
    Ohimè! ch'io moro! ohimè!

    Cossa v'halla dà da cena,
    Figliuol mio caro, fiorito e gentil?
    Cossa v'halla dà da cena?
    On inguilletta arrosto...
    Signora mama, mio core sta mal!
    On inguilletta arrosto...
    Ohimè! ch'io moro! ohimè!

    L'avi mangiada tütta, ecc.
    Non n'hò mangià che mezza, ecc.

    Coss'avi fà dell'altra mezza, ecc.
    L'hò dada alia cagnola, ecc.

    Cossa avi fà della cagnola, ecc.
    L'è morta dre la strada, ecc.

    Where wert thou yester-even,
    My darling son, the delight of mine eyes?
    Where wert thou yester-even?
    I went to see my sweetheart,
    Milady mother: my heart is so ill!
    I went to see my sweetheart,
    Ah me! I die! ah me!

    What gave she thee for supper,
    My darling son, the delight of mine eyes?
    What gave she thee for supper?
    It was an eel she broil'd me,
    Milady mother: my heart is so ill!
    It was an eel she broil'd me,
    Ah me! I die! ah me!

    And didst thou eat it all, then? etc.
    I only ate the half on't etc.

    What didst thou with the other? etc.
    I gave my dog the other, etc.

    What hast thou done with him, then? etc.
    He died upon the highway, etc.

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    Marzo, Eduardo. Songs of Italy; sixty-five Tuscan, Florentine, Lombardian and other Italian folk- and popular songs. New York: G. Schirmer, 1904. 7


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