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  • Antonià (Antonià)
    Naples (Campania)

    T'aje fatta la gonnella, Antonià,
    Te l'aje fatta colla credenza,
    Quanno cammine sempe ce pienze!
    Sempe ce pienze e bia
    Naso de cane, bellezza mia!
    Antoniella Antonià!
    Votate, Nenna bella, votate ccà,
    Vedimmo sta gonnella comme te va!

    T'aje fatta pettenessa, Antonià,
    Te l'aje fatta colla credenza,
    Quanno cammine, cammine i renza,
    Cammine i renza e core,
    Nennella mia, si tutta ammore.
    Antoniella, Antonià!
    Votate, Nenna bella, votate ccà,
    Vedimmo a pettenessa comme te stà!

    T'aje fatta la scarpetta, Antonià,
    Te l'aje fatta cianciosamente,
    Quanno cammine nce tiene mente,
    Vola, palomma, e vola!
    Cara carella, si mariola.
    Antoniella, Antonià!
    Votate, Nenna bella, votate ccà,
    Vedimme sta scarpetta si acconcia stà!

    The gown you wear is new, Antonià,
    And when you got it, it was on credit,
    While you are walking you can't forget it!
    'T will always be the case, too;
    Nose in the air and a pretty face, too!
    Antoniella, Antonià!
    Turn around, dainty darling, now turn around,
    Give us a chance to see how well you are gowned!

    The comb you wear is new, Antonià.
    You did n't pay for it, oh, you know it!
    Now you walk sideways and try to show it!
    And tho' you walk so funny,
    Darling, your heart is as sweet as honey,
    Antoniella, Antonià!
    Turn around, dainty darling, now turn around,
    Give us a chance to see the new comb you found!

    The shoes you wear are new, Antonià,
    Oh what a fine way you took to get them!
    While you are walking you can't forget them!
    Now fly away, my dovey,
    You are a naughty young thing, my lovey!
    Antoniella, Antonià!
    Turn around, dainty darling, now turn around,
    Give us a chance to see your shoes on the ground!

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    Marzo, Eduardo. Songs of Italy; sixty-five Tuscan, Florentine, Lombardian and other Italian folk- and popular songs. New York: G. Schirmer, 1904. 103


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