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Occhi dell'amore
by Giuseppe Spano
It is without doubt a place where love abounds, Sorrento
Expressed by the smiles on the faces and the greetings that are always present
as you approach any and all as they peer from the portals
and sit at the doors
anticipating an opportunity to say ‘buongiorno’
And by their view, if a conversation is started, they are the better for it. So
eager is the desire within the hearts of this vibrant people to touch their
fellow man, with words. Aside from the passion to please with culinary delights,
this is most important. So it is that I visit the small towns and wish that I
were as young at heart as innocent of wariness of strangers as those whose eyes
into which I look. Yes it is in those eyes that you see L’Amore.
In those moments you are transformed by their happiness, by the expressive
faces and gestures, by the graciousness; to feel a sense of bliss in being
human at a time when Humanity is rapidly ceasing. Impelling you to want to stay
even if for just one more day, one more please….so you too can share the joy
that they possess of a rich life full of human contact. Oh Italia mio!
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